# Error messages # Stop name not found ERR_ARR#0="Arrival stop not found"; ERR_DEP#0="Departure stop not found"; # Stop closed ERR_CLSARR#0="Arrival stop is closed"; ERR_CLSDEP#0="Departure stop is closed"; # Impossible to compute a route ERR_COMPUTE#0="A route could not be found"; # Network error ERR_CONNECT#0="Connection error, check your network configuration and retry"; # User interrupted a long operation ERR_INTERRUPT#0="Operation cancelled"; # Error with a city file ERR_LOAD#0="Error while loading city"; # Memory error ERR_MEMORY#0="Not enough memory available"; # Message in city list when empty ERR_NOCITY#0="*** No City Installed ***"; # Wrong version for program or city file ERR_VERSION_NEW#0="Program too old, please get an update"; ERR_VERSION_OLD#0="City too old, please get an update"; # Should never appear ERR_TOOLARGE#0="File to large to download from the network"; # Information message # The list to display is empty INFO_EMPTY#0="*** Empty ***"; # Displayed when a route is empty (because there is no service) INFO_LCLOSED#0="*** Line closed ***"; # No update available for the selected city INFO_NOUPDATE#0="No update available"; # POI list title LIST_POI#0="Places of interest"; # Route details title TITLE_ROUTE#0="Line Route"; # Menu entries MENU_ABOUT#0="About MetrO"; # Activate/Deactivate a line or a group of line MENU_ACTI#0="Activate"; MENU_DEAC#0="Deactivate"; # List contacts with a "metro" field MENU_ADDR#0="Contacts"; # Compute return route (inverts start and arrival) MENU_BACK#0="Back Route"; #Select a city MENU_CITY#0="City"; # Delete a city MENU_DELETE#0="Delete"; # Show details (on a stop, POI, route...) MENU_DETL#0="Details"; # Compute a route MENU_GOGO#0="Go!"; # Display a list of lines MENU_LINE#0="Lines"; # Should not be used MENU_MORE#0="More..."; # Load list of available cities from the web MENU_NETCITY#0="Complete List"; # Setup options for the city list MENU_NETCONF#0="Setup"; # Open a city database MENU_OPEN#0="Open"; # General options for the program MENU_OPTION#0="Options"; # Reset the main screen (clear everything) MENU_RSET#0="Reset"; # Select a stop (from a list) as departure or arrival MENU_SETA#0="Arrival"; MENU_SETD#0="Departure"; # List the POIs MENU_SITE#0="POIs"; # List the stops MENU_STOP#0="Stops"; # Update all or the selected city from the web MENU_UPDALL#0="Update All"; MENU_UPDATE#0="Update"; # About screen title & description METRO_DESC#0="Public Transportation Route Finder"; METRO_TITLE#0="MetrO"; # Confirmation, wait & other messages # Cancel a long operation MSG_CANCEL#0="Cancel"; # Wait while loading the contacts MSG_CLOAD#0="Loading contacts..."; # City removal confirmation (MSG_DELETE1 + city name + MSG_DELETE2) MSG_DELETE1#0="Do you want to delete "; MSG_DELETE2#0="?"; # Wait while loading a city MSG_LOAD#0="Loading city..."; # OK message MSG_OK#0="OK"; # Wait for a long operation (e.g. computing a route) MSG_ROUTE#0="Please Wait..."; # Wait while loading a list of availaible cities from the web MSG_SERVER#0="Accessing server..."; MSG_TEST#0="Test"; # Mandatory RIM message warning before a net connection MSG_NETWORK#0="The program will now connect to the Internet, which may incur charges. Proceed?"; # Option not to show the connection alert again OPT_NOMSG#0="Don't show this message again"; # Options # Network options (in city list) TITLE_NETSEL#0="Connection type: "; OPT_NET0#0="Default"; OPT_NET1#0="WiFi 1"; OPT_NET2#0="WiFi 2"; OPT_NET3#0="MDS"; OPT_NET4#0="BIS-B"; OPT_NET5#0="TCP"; # Should not be used OPT_NET6#0="Custom"; TITLE_NETSTR#0="Connection string: "; # General options for the progrma OPT_ASSIST#0="Assisted text entry"; OPT_RESULT#0="Show quickest route first"; OPT_USECARD#0="Store cities on memory card"; # Title for the time option dialog TITLE_TIME#0="Set Day & Time"; # Route bits (translations are not necessary, since we have them in other versions) RESULT_AT#0="At "; RESULT_AT2#0=""; RESULT_CHANGE#0="Change at "; RESULT_CHANGE2#0=""; RESULT_CONNECT#0="Fewest changes"; RESULT_COUNT#0="Time about "; RESULT_COUNT2#0="min."; RESULT_DIR#0="Direction "; RESULT_DIR2#0=""; RESULT_DOWN#0="Get off at "; RESULT_DOWN2#0=""; RESULT_LIMIT#0="(limited operating hours)"; RESULT_NCONX#0=" change(s)"; RESULT_NSTOP#0=" stops(s) - "; RESULT_SHORT#0="Shortest route"; RESULT_STAT#0=""; RESULT_TAKE#0="Take "; RESULT_TAKE2#0=""; RESULT_WALK#0="Walk to "; RESULT_WALK2#0=""; # About screen content TITLE_ABOUT#0="MetrO 0.4.1"; TITLE_AUTHOR#0="Written by Patrice BERNARD\n(patrice@kinevia.com)\n& Frank VAN CAENEGEM\n(frank@kinevia.com)"; TITLE_CITY#0="MetrO - City"; TITLE_COPY#0="Copyright © 2008-2009 Kinevia"; TITLE_MAIL#0="metro@kinevia.com"; TITLE_WEB#0="http://kinevia.com";